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Why It Starts With Belief

Writer's picture: Lynda StrettonLynda Stretton

I often hear it starts with your why. If your why is strong enough you can achieve anything. I get that. We do need a why. It needs to be strong enough to make us want to take action. But if we don't truly BELIEVE we can achieve that thing, we can often fall short of putting in the action and end up unconsciously self-sabotaging, because we don't truly believe that thing's for us.

I believe our beliefs drive our actions which drive our results which then drive our beliefs. If you believe something is not possible, you won't take the action to make it possible, then that will back up your belief that it's not possible. But if you truly believe something is possible, you'll take the action to bring it to life and reinforce that belief, because you now have evidence it IS possible!

I've been reflecting on that this week with regards to my own fertility journey. How 5 years of anorexia nervosa and losing my periods led to 17 years of missing periods and anovulatory cycles.


Looking back, I now realise I created a story. That I could not have children. I then created that reality...


I took massive action to (unconsciously) self sabotage my own fertility. I over exercised, under-nourished, under slept, over-stressed. I spent weekends drinking until I blacked out and spent weeks hustling so hard my nervous system was completely burnt out. Then I created a new story - that I did not want children. This became my safety blanket. If people thought I didn't want kids then they wouldn't see me as a failure and I wouldn't see myself as a failure.


I distinctly remember my husbands exact words over dinner on our wedding night 'are you still adamant you don't want children?'. Aside from taking a moment to celebrate my absolute hero husband who still chose to take me on despite wanting kids himself (he's a keeper), the sad truth was I had built that story up so much, even I believed it was true.


It wasn't.


When I finally admitted to myself that I wanted children, i then had to believe I could. That belief drove my actions. That action got me my result.


People ask me what my secret was, like I just had to change a few things. I changed EVERYTHING. I took MASSIVE action. I COMPLETELY changed the food I ate, the exercise I did, the hours I worked, I learnt to relax and I wrote in my gratitude journal every day. Maybe I'll talk more about that in another post. But first I had to believe. Without belief we don't take action then we don't see results.


When you work with me I don't only tell you how to heal your body and what to eat, I'm your biggest cheerleader. I believe in you. I help you believe in you so you take MASSIVE action and get MASSIVE results! If you want support, take that action. Send me a message now. I'm here to support you 😘


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